Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Wrath of the Titans ~ David and Goliath on Steroids

Man no longer prays to the Gods. Their time is coming to an end. What man doesn’t realize is that the power of the Gods has been keeping Kronos trapped within the Earth. As the Gods weaken, their prison for Titans also weakens. Where are they going to go? Oops.

Perseus (Sam Worthington) doesn’t want any part of it. He’s done doing the bidding of gods like his father Zeus (Liam Neeson), his half-brother Ares (Edgar Ramirez), and Uncle Hades (Ralph Fiennes). He just wants to raise his son. Unfortunately the titans will be released upon the Earth and Kronos will destroy everything. Perseus has to break out the gear and start being a hero again.

I’m a little rusty on my Greek mythology, but the movie helps you figure out what you need to know to get the gist of the movie. I’m not quite sold on Worthington as a good actor yet, but he’s growing on me. I can’t complain about Liam Neeson at all. I did not get to see the first movie as of yet (Clash of the Titans) but I am familiar with the version from the 80’s which has always been a favorite of mine.  The animation is good. You do not have a problem with the blending of CG and human actors. The Story line is a bit far-fetched but we are talking about gods, titans, and cyclops, oh my.

Whenever there is a movie with small things in the same scene with big this, it always seems to get a little hard to follow the action. Make the action fast, and it’s REALLY hard. There are parts like that in Wrath. The scene is happening so fast you don’t realize what you’re seeing until it’s done, but it is not enough to make you give up on the movie.

Not many people liked the first one, and I’d suggest not letting that limit your options to see this one. I saw it in 3D and it really didn’t need to be. If you don’t have a movie you’ll holding out for, you might want to consider it, but definitely see the rental.  

Watch for the brief return of an old friend from the 80’s movie. I won’t tell you who. (I said tell.)  

Friday, March 9, 2012

Silent House ~ just like the theater.... ZZZzzzzz...

Elizabeth Olsen is breaking into the movie industry. I imagine all stars have a bumpy time at first, and she’s no different. In Silent House, she plays Sarah, an odd young woman who seems to be at odds with something. Problem is the movie never explains it. In a nutshell, this movie sucked. The director tried to be unique with a chasing camera, unfocused kind of thing. At time I swear I thought Sarah was going to smash her face into the camera because it was following too close. It’s hard to watch when the cameraman runs to get in front of a running actor and it appears he drops the camera. It’s OK if you’re watching a show like COPS, but in a motion picture, not so much.

Adam Trese plays John, her dad, and Eric Sheffer Stevens, play Peter, her uncle. Strange things start to happen to Sarah when she becomes trapped in her childhood home….um…ok.. That’s what the trailer says. Look away if you plan on seeing the movie. 

Girl flips out and kills her father and uncle in her neglected childhood home because they molested her as a child. The movie tries to make you believe someone has broken into the house and attacked them, but it fails miserably. Sarah interacts with another woman that later turns out to be herself but in a clumsy way. There's a big goon who walks around in camouflage dragging bodies that also turns out to be Sarah. 

Ok… those who want to see the movie can come back, if there are any. Olsen plays the part of a scared woman very convincingly. I imagine its natural growing up with her sisters. The movie just didn’t make any sense.  I wouldn’t even bother renting it. Bad camera shots, jittery filming, purposely unfocused scenes, and a story that doesn't mean a damn thing. I'm not a fan of "quirky" but maybe you are.

Hopefully Olsen’s streak of quirky want to be movies will end and she can get her career going.  

Thursday, March 8, 2012

21 Jump Street ~ Hillarious, go see it!

Funny, funny, funny! I’m not kidding. I laughed (as well as everyone in the theater) nearly all 109 minutes. Seriously! Jonah Hill (Schmidt) and Channing Tatum (Jenko) are two underachievers.  Schmidt is smart but not physically up to the task, and Jenko is all muscle and little brain. They become friends in the police academy to pass. Life as policemen isn’t as fantastic as they hoped and when their big chance to make a bust happens…. They blow it.

Off to Jump Street which is run by Ice Cube (Captain Dickson) who does not hide his true feelings. Their job is to infiltrate a high school, befriend the drug dealers, find the source of a new drug ready to become viral, and bring it down. The boys are up to the task….well…  The roles get reversed. The high school jock, Jenko, finds himself in a world he cannot understand as the geeks are now the cool click in school. Everyone actually studies, cares about the environment and feelings. Schmidt finds himself one of the coolest kids in school, even though he’s forced to move back in with his parents.

I absolutely loved this movie. I caught glimpses of the TV series growing up, but not enough to to determine if it’s a good reference. There is a nice surprise for fans of the TV show….. aw hell… It’ll be news soon enough. Johnny Depp and Peter Deluise make a cameo. Shhh… don’t tell everyone. 

I find myself in the strange position of trying NOT to tell people about the movie because I want them to go see it so I can see if they laugh as much as I did. So go see it…. And come back ant tell me! 

Monday, March 5, 2012

John Carter ~ Avatar who?

John Carter (Taylor Kitsch) is a Civil War cavalry soldier who is still at war with himself, authority, and just about anyone else around him. He gets transported to Mars. The gravity on Mars is substantially less than Earth, so John Carter is 10 time stronger than the regular inhabitants. He's faster, stronger, more agile, regular Superman without the tights. As he tries to come to terms with his new environment, his sense of honor drives him to do what most honorable men do, defend the helpless.

Powers beyond comprehension are moving to continue Mars down it’s path of destruction and eventually as gets explained, destroy Earth. John Carter becomes the road block. He saves the princess of Helium, Dejah Thoris (Lynn Collins) and with the help of Sola (Samantha Morton, the daughter of the  Mars warrior creature chief Tar Traks (Willem Dafoe), he turns the tide against the evil forces.

First off, this movie was phenomenal. The computer graphics are stunning. I was blown away. Avatar move over… there’s a new king in town. This movie is based on a comic book in which a human rises to become a warlord on Mars. This movie is a winner. As with most science fiction, there are language barriers and terms unfamiliar to the audience that we need to get over, but the movie does it rather well. Remember how in Harry Potter they said "muggle" and at first no one knew what a muggle was? That kind of thing.

The hero is good looking. The princess is sexy and strong. The CG is captivating and the creatures are flawless from the fur on the giant white gorilla monsters, to the lovable facial expressions of  Woola, Carter’s dinosaur-like dog. The flying ships, the planet, the detail of the landscape blows Avatar away. I know there’s some hard core Avatarians out there who won’t stand for it. If you’re going to see this in the theater… pay a little extra to see the 3D. The mesh of CG and human actor is superb.

Disney knocks it out of the park on this one.