Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Rite ~ Creepy, Not Scary, but creepy.

Whenever they say “based or inspired” by a true story, it always gives me pause to think. Are we talking news story, legend, firsthand account, or some drunken guy in a bar? Seriously, dude, I believed EVERY word, until the part where you were bit by the werewolf, but I digress.

Michael Kovak (Colin O'Donoghue) is the son of a funeral director. He doesn’t really see much of a future in his career options and joins a Seminary, mainly to scam them out of free college. He keeps his skepticism and seriously begins to question his faith, even though to those around him, he’s a natural. In order to put a fire back into Michael’s belly, they send him to the Vatican to learn about a new trend in Christianity, exorcism. Due to more and more reports of possession, the Church is training exorcists to be stationed throughout the world.

In Italy his attitude doesn’t change much, but he is sent to Father Lucas Trevant (Anthony Hopkins) a Jesuit exorcist whose methods are a bit unconventional. Michael, ever the skeptic begins to see Father Lucas as a charlatan, until some odd things start to happen during exorcisms.

Angeline (Alice Braga) is a journalist reporting on the new team of exorcists being created and looking for truth for her own reasons. Michael befriends her, and together they experience one of the most horrifying things they could ever imagine.

If you’re expecting a clone of the movie “Exorcist” you’ll be disappointed, but this movie does have its merit. Michael’s creepy undertaker father (Rutger Hauer) leaves an impression on you. I enjoyed the movie though it did get slow in some parts but when the movie gets going, it goes! After a bit of research (ok I Googled it) I verified many of the things that happen in the movie are real reported events that are reported by exorcists. So…add some wood on to the “CREEPY” fire.

Halloween is coming, and though this movie won’t scare you silly, it will prime the pump for a scary movie marathon. So keep it in mind. 

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